Can chickens eat red onion? Yes but…

Red onions are something I eat all the time. I usually buy lots and sometimes I have extra. If you’re in the same boat, then you’ve probably wondered if red onions are safe for your chickens to eat. Can they digest it? What nutrients does it have? Will they like the taste? In this article, we will answer all of those questions and more! So keep reading to learn everything you need to know about feeding red onions to your chickens!

Can chickens eat red onion?

Yes, they can! Chickens can eat both raw and cooked red onions. Although dogs and cats should not eat red onions, there is nothing in onions that can hurt chickens. That said, you should not make red onion the majority of your chickens’ diet. Like people, chickens need a well-rounded diet to be healthy.

Is red onion good for chickens?

Yes, red onion is good for chickens! Onions are a great source of Vitamin C. Chickens need Vitamin C to stay healthy and fight off diseases. Red onions also contain other vitamins and minerals that are essential to a chicken’s diet such as:

-Vitamin B-12





That said, there isn’t much protein in onion, so it should only be given to chickens as a smaller part of a balanced diet. Otherwise, your flock won’t have the protein they need to grow and lay.

Do chickens like red onion?

This is a tough question to answer because every chicken is different. However, generally, chickens aren’t usually big fans of red onion. The only way to really find out if your chickens will like red onion is to give it a go.

If your chickens do like eating red onion, I’d love to hear from you so feel free to leave a comment.

How to prepare red onion for chickens

You can give your chickens onions by peeling and chopping them and then giving it to your flock raw. However, cooking onions makes the taste less harsh and it might make them more palatable to your flock.

You can cook the onions by chopping them and adding them to a dry frying pan on a low heat. Wait for them to soften and become translucent then leave them to cool before serving. You might also try peeling and roasting whole onions in the oven. Again, leave them to cool before feeding them to your chickens.

Frequently asked questions

Can I give my chicken red onion skins?

The skin of the onion is perfectly safe for chickens to eat. In fact, the skin contains even more nutrients than the flesh of the onion! That said, chickens tend to like onion skin even less than they like onions. You might find a bunch of onion skins left over if you give your chickens unpeeled onions.

Final thoughts

Red onion is a healthy and nutritious treat that you can give your chickens. Although they might not be big fans of the taste, it is perfectly safe for them to eat. Just make sure to give them red onion in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet.

Do you give your chickens red onion? Let me know in the comments below!

I hope that this article has helped you to understand everything you need to know about feeding red onions.


What if my chicken doesn’t like red onion?

If your chicken doesn’t seem to like red onion, don’t worry. You’re not alone! The good news is that there are plenty of other healthy foods that you can give them. Just make sure that you’re giving your flock a well-rounded diet.

Can baby chicks eat red onion?

Yes, they can! You can give baby chicks chopped or whole onions. If you’re giving them whole onions, make sure to chop them into small pieces so that the chicks can easily eat them.

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