Can Chickens Eat Mango?

If you own chickens, you probably already know that they will eat almost anything they can get their claws on. This means it’s important to make sure they only eat what is good for them. After all, they won’t take care of their own diet. On this page, you’ll learn everything you need to know about feeding mangos to your chickens.

Can chickens have mango?

If you want to feed your chickens mangos, the answer is that you can. However, mangos aren’t the most healthy food chickens can have. You’ll want to keep mango as part of a balanced diet.

Can chickens eat mango skin?

People generally don’t like to eat the skin of a mango. The skin can be a bit tough isn’t as sweet as the mango flesh. However, chickens generally don’t seem to mind this as much as people do. As long as you wash the mango first, you can feed it to your chicken with the skin on.

Can chickens eat mango seeds?

A mango seed, also known as a mango pit, is another part of a mango people generally avoid. When mangos ripen, the pit becomes hard. Chickens won’t be able to eat the seed when it is too hard, so don’t be surprised when they don’t eat it.

That said, you don’t need to worry too much about removing the seed, your chickens will simply not eat what they can’t eat.

When the mango is less ripe, the seed is softer and easier to eat. Your chickens might get through the mango from peel to seed.

Is mango good for chickens?

Mangos are high in sugar

Chickens need a balanced diet, especially if you want them to lay eggs. A single mango can have over 45 grams of sugar. This is a lot for a person, let alone a chicken. As a result, while chickens can have mangoes, it shouldn’t be the only thing they eat. They are better as a treat as a part of a mixed diet.

Mangos contain plenty of vitamins

The good news about mangos is that they are a good source of vitamins for your chickens. In particular, mangos have lots of vitamin C, which is not just good for chickens, it helps them grow healthy eggs. Mangos also contain vitamin A, which can help stop diseases.

Do chickens like to eat mango?

Every chicken is different, but generally, chickens enjoy eating mango. While chickens don’t like sweet food as much as people, they still enjoy mangos as a sweet treat.

How do you prepare mango for chickens?

While it is possible to chop and deseed a mango before feeding it to your flock, chickens are just as happy being fed whole mangoes. You should make sure you wash the mango before serving it. Also, given that you don’t want your chickens overeating mango, make sure that you don’t have one chicken which has more than its fair share.


In conclusion, mangoes should be a treat for your chickens. In small amounts, mangoes are good for chickens as they add some vitamins to their diet. However, you don’t want to make them too regular a part of what they eat.

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