Can chickens eat pizza?

Many chicken owners love to feed leftovers to their flock. While in my house, most of the pizza gets eaten by me and there are rarely leftovers, if you do have leftover pizza, you might want to feed it to your chickens. In this guide, we’ll cover exactly why you shouldn’t feed chickens pizza. Can … Read more

Can chickens eat red onion? Yes but…

Red onions are something I eat all the time. I usually buy lots and sometimes I have extra. If you’re in the same boat, then you’ve probably wondered if red onions are safe for your chickens to eat. Can they digest it? What nutrients does it have? Will they like the taste? In this article, … Read more

Can chickens eat pinto beans: Making pinto beans safe for your flock

If you’ve had chickens for long, you already know that they will try and eat almost anything. It can be a relief that your flock will peck up almost anything you offer them. However, it can also make people worried that their chickens will gobble up something that is harmful. In this guide, we’ll learn about the risks of pinto beans to chickens and how to keep your flock safe.

Can Chickens Eat Beets? Everything you need to know

Are beets good for chickens? This is a question that many new and experienced chicken owners have have, and the answer is yes – beets are a great food for chickens! In this guide, we will discuss how to prepare beets for your hens, as well as some of the benefits of feeding them beets. Be sure to keep your hens happy and healthy by adding this highly nutritious vegetable to her diet!